Posts tagged ‘Guinea’

700,000 Hits!

Guest Post By Jamie

I know I haven’t posted in a while and my DSi review plan has kind of gone out the window, but this is better.

Mick’ Blog now has 700,000 Hits. Yes, 700,000

So everyone wish Legoless a happy 700,000 hits in the comments!

mick 700k

Spurs1996, Woof, and Guinea

You can follow me, woof and Legoless on Twitter:

October 3, 2009 at 8:50 am 23 comments

DSiWare Review-Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again

Guest Post By Guinea

Heya, this is Guinea. Jamie/Spurs has been reviewing DSiWare games lately, so I figured I’d help him out. Mario vs. Donkey Kong is 800 points, and was released about 2 months ago.


Mario vs. Donkey Kong is a series with three games, one on Game Boy Advance, two (counting this one) on DS. For the most part, Minis March Again is an expansion pack for Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2, with many of the same levels. However, Minis March again costs more than a third less than Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2, which makes it a terrific bargain. Another great add-on that really makes Minis March Again great is the Construction Zone. This is basically a level creator and editor. This really adds tons of content and value to the game. Plus, you can share and download levels online, which is a great addition.

The main gameplay of Minis March Again is guiding wind up Mini Marios through levels filled with puzzles. You can’t control them, but can control their path, to an extent. A main part of Minis March Again is the pink blocks. Tapping them will cause them to disappear, while tapping an empty pink block will cause them to re-appear there. You can create stairs or paths with them, and it can get tricky. Another common object is a switch. When you step on it, small pipes and enemies can change. There are tons of other objects, all of which make Mario vs. Donkey Kong more puzzling and better. GAMEPLAY: 9/10

Mario vs. Donkey Kong also has great graphics. The stages are 2-D, while enemies and characters are 3-D. It looks really nice. Sound is ok, nothing special, although it does have a lot of voice acting. GRAPHICS AND SOUND: 8/10

Overall, Mario vs. Donkey Kong is great, and gets a……
It’s definitely worth 800 points, and can be entertaining for a while.

legoless: Don’t forget to read Jamie’s first, second and third DSi reviews as well!

August 21, 2009 at 3:23 pm 12 comments

Guinea-Game-Review #2: Kirby: Squeak Squad

Guest Post By Guinea

Hi again!
Its meeeeeeee! Anyways, if you couldn’t figure out from the title, this is my 2nd game review! This time, however, I’m reviewing a DS Game. Like I’ve said before, just request a game and I’ll review it 😉

So, here’s the game info:
System: Nintendo DS
Developer: HAL Laboratory/Nintendo
Rating: E (Mild Cartoon Violence)

Kirby is a total suck-up. He sucks, though. But unlike Master Chief, it helps that he sucks. In fact, its part of the story line, and the main point of the game. I was hoping to get this review out before Kirby: SSU came out, but no such luck. Kirby: Squeak Squad sticks with the classic Kirby strategy: Suck up your enemies to copy their abilities, use those abilities to defeat other enemies. But, is Kirby Squeak Squad as good as other Kirby titles like Kirby’s Adventure or the Crystal Shards? TO THE REVIEW!!

Graphics: 9/10
Pretty good. The graphics are definitely its strongest point

Action: 7.5/10
Its always fun to suck up enemies and see what powers Kirby gets, but it is never a challenge, most levels are pretty easy.

Story: 6/10
Instead of nightmares in Dreamland or the fountain of dreams drying up. Kirby is just chasing after a piece of delicious shortcake. The plot doesn’t thicken until Meta Knight swoops in….

Length/Things To Do: 8/10
The game is lengthy enough to entertain, but not much after that, since the mini-games are just OK, and collecting treasure chests/shortcake chests (call it what you want) is fun, but not super entertaining

Touch Screen Usage (Not Included In Overall): 2/5
You can mix & match item trophies on the lower screen, but other than that there is not much…..

Overall: 7.63
Worth A… (Buy, Rent or Toss)
Definitely worth a rent, but its debatable if its worth buying.


  • Like Kirby’s Adventure and Kirby: Super Star, Squeak Squad is a scrolling game. However, unlike most others. There is no time limit. Take your time through each level to discover chest and other secrets
  • Every chest you find contains an item. Some even contain Spray Paint cans, which you can use to change Kirby’s colour!
  • You can mix & match power-ups (item trophies) on the touch screen, but don’t get to greedy, or you will only end up with a single star to spit out


On Boss Battles mode, walk a little past the door when you are acquiring power-ups, and you can find the Triple Hammer, which can only be found in the final level of the game, making it the rarest power up of them all

Hope Ya Enjoyed The Review!

September 24, 2008 at 6:59 am 15 comments

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