Posts filed under ‘Club Penguin’

New Newspaper

The new newspaper came out today.

The Book Room Writing Contest winners were announced. There are also sneak peeks of the three stories inside.

The Igloo Contest winners were announced too.

I’ve decided to post a picture from the Aunt Artic column as well, because… I want to. 😛

I know I said I wouldn’t be posting the user-written articles anymore, but I just had to post this one. It’s set an all new level of boredom for me. Go ahead, read it & weep.

While reading the other user-written article, I noticed the strange illustration above it. It would be cool if there was a giant book you could stand on in CP. Maybe they could add a new room to the Book Room for a party, like they did with the Treetop Forts.

Talking about the Treetop Fort, I would like to correct myself. On a certain post, I talked about the party room. I have since learnt that for the Medieval Party, it’s real name was the ‘Treetop Fort’. I didn’t bother updating it, but now that I found some old pictures I decided to add this pic to the post:

Now that I’m fixing my errors, I’d also like to point out that it wasn’t only yellow puffles that appeared in that tree. Every type of puffle could come out.

Anyway, back to the new newspaper.

This week’s lame tour section was about igloos.

This week’s artwork is pretty good.

The illustration for the poem is awesome. 😆

The timetable looks pretty empty, but I’m sure there are more surprises in June waiting just around the corner. The CPIP item & the new book are coming out tomorrow too, so we won’t have nothing to do. 😉

And last, but not least, I’d like to show you a picture I never published. I took the picture on my aunt’s computer, but I forgot to send it to mine. The next day CP deleted this article, so I couldn’t get a picture. I was on my aunt’s computer again today, and I remembered to send the picture this time. It’s a bit late, but what the hay. Behold! The best April Fools prank ever! (This article is authentic. CP played a prank on all of us. If you don’t get the joke, just comment and I’ll explain.)

Don’t forget to read the CPIP item post below this too!

That’s all for now, I’ll keep you updated. 🙂

May 29, 2008 at 7:47 pm 7 comments

CPIP Testing Reward Release Date Announced!

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while – I’ve been away.

Anyway, the long-awaited CPIP testing reward will be released on… (more…)

May 28, 2008 at 8:20 pm 11 comments

New Catlogs, New Pin, New Item

Three new catalogs came out today.

The puffle furniture one was a bit of a letdown, but I like the koi fish.

The furniture catalog is cool. There are around 6 new items & a few returns.

The igloo catalog has a new pink castle igloo available.

A new pin has also come out. You have to make it with Gary’s latest invention, the Anvil Maker 3000.

Have you found the hidden free item yet? CP have brought back the Wizard Hat. It’s at the Lighthouse.

In other news: I met one of the judges for the igloo contest in my igloo. They don’t say much, just walk around the room & leave.

Don’t forget to read the post about the new newspaper below this too!

That’s all for now, I’ll keep you updated. 😉

May 23, 2008 at 7:12 am 12 comments

New Newspaper

A new newspaper came out today.

There’s more information about the igloo contest inside. Speaking of igloos, have you seen the sneak peek of the new furniture catalog yet? If not, look below (click to enlarge).

The Medieval Party has also been extended, and the Book Room Writing Contest winners will be announced in  next week’s paper, then will then be published in the Book Room the day after.

This week’s lame tour section is about the Coffee Shop & Book Room. The only interesting bit was the ‘Did you know?’ section. One of Gary’s first ever inventions was the coffee machine in the Coffee  Shop. He programmed it to play music & make coffee.

There’s a weird comic strip on Aunt Artic’s page:

There’s also a picture of a penguin with the Beta Hat on the next page. It’s strange that CP went for so long without even mentioning that hat, and now ever since the 2005-06 yearbook was added to the Book Room they’re putting it everywhere.

The user-written articles stink this week. I find myself wondering why I’m posting them.

This week’s puzzle is like sudoku, except with puffles instead of numbers. I find it too hard (I never was good at these kind of puzzles).

Does anyone know what happens when you complete it? (A picture would also be appreciated.)

In other news: I’ve updated the Rare Flower Pot Journal again. Go check it out!

That’s all for now, I’ll keep you updated!

May 22, 2008 at 7:19 pm 7 comments

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